Relieve Golfer's Elbow Pain - Massage in Westlake Hills

Golfer's elbow can feel like a constant battle against discomfort. It's the pain that sneaks up on you during everyday activities, whether gripping a golf club or simply lifting a cup. At Iler Method® Therapy, we understand how frustrating and limiting this condition can be. Our approach focuses on targeted, effective treatments beyond surface relief, addressing the deeper muscle layers and pathways to help you return to your favorite activities with less pain and more freedom of movement.

Golfer's Elbow Treatment - Iler Method® Therapy

At Iler Method sports massage in West Lake, TX, we use a method known as the Hold and Release Rhythm. This manual therapy is particularly effective for treating Golfer's Elbow, working with 'good pain' during trigger point and adhesion treatments. Initially, our licensed massage therapists apply deep pressure to determine the ideal pressure, holding trigger points for 10-15 seconds and adhesions for up to 30 seconds to facilitate their release.

During these integrative sessions, our massage therapists maintain an active awareness of the targeted area, adjusting pressure or angle to sink into deeper muscle layers and optimize therapeutic impact. Following the initial hold, we briefly release pressure for 1-3 seconds while maintaining contact with the skin.

This short relaxation period promotes essential blood flow, oxygen, and hormones such as human growth hormone (HGH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), insulin, and testosterone to flood the treated area, aiding tissue repair and pain management. This method helps physical recovery and offers clients a psychological break, facilitating a parasympathetic state conducive to healing.

We continuously refine our knowledge and skills to enhance every client's massage experience and ensure optimal results. This comprehensive approach, utilizing specialized physical techniques and personalized treatment plans, is a testament to our belief in the human body's diverse capabilities and our dedication to providing effective treatments for Golfer’s Elbow.

From your first visit, our goal is to help you experience pain relief and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Specialized Massage Techniques for Golfer's Elbow Relief

At Iler Method® Therapy, we understand the challenges those suffering from golfer's elbow face and offer specialized massage techniques to provide effective relief. Our trigger point therapy is performed with clients lying face down, eliminating the need for oils or lotions due to the techniques' static nature. 

Ring and Middle Finger Together: 

This technique provides a structurally sound approach to manually separating muscles affected by the Golfer's Elbow. By curving the fingers and working in synergy, pressure is distributed evenly, ensuring effective muscle targeting.

Thumb Over Thumb:

This method offers a precise and powerful tool for targeting deep, multi-layered tissue. It is particularly effective for accessing hard-to-reach muscles, providing significant downward pressure and relief for the Golfer's Elbow-affected areas.

Ridge of the Forearm: 

Utilizing the therapist's ulna bone, this technique applies sustained pressure to soften deeper, denser muscle tissues. It leverages the therapist's body weight and core strength, ensuring safe and efficient treatment.


This technique allows for applying focused pressure on broader muscle areas, effectively treating the Golfer's Elbow by reaching laterally positioned, dense muscle tissues. It requires considerable upper arm, shoulder, and chest strength, helping to alleviate deep-seated muscle tension and promote recovery in the Golfer's Elbow-affected areas.

Utilizing these specialized techniques, Iler Method Therapy in Westlake, TX, ensures that golfers' elbow sufferers receive the best possible care, helping them regain mobility and enjoy their daily activities without pain.

Healthy Elbows for Everyday Life and Golf

Your elbow's seamless function is crucial for everyday activities such as driving, cooking, gardening, playing with children or grandchildren, and tackling handy tasks around the house.

When affected by repetitive motions, the tendons in your elbow can become tight and inflamed, leading to severe pain and disrupting your ability to perform these tasks comfortably and effectively.

Golfer's elbow is like a buildup of rust on this vital pivot, making it stiff and painful to move. The tendons in your elbow, like the pivotal parts of your golf swing or other daily activities, must be in perfect condition for smooth motions. When these tendons and connective tissues become inflamed, they disrupt the fluidity and accuracy of your movements, leading to joint mobility issues and potentially even neck pain.

Specialized treatments, like clinical massage and trigger point techniques, focus on these tendons to release tension and restore function. At Iler Method Therapy in West Lake Hills, TX, our skilled massage therapists use these techniques to relieve pain, improve mobility, and support healing.

Whether dealing with sports injuries or daily discomfort, our conservative treatments can get your affected elbow ready for the perfect swing again—or allow you to enjoy other activities you love without pain.

Identifying the Symptoms of Golfer's Elbow

  • Pain and tenderness on the inside of the elbow: This is the most common symptom, typically felt where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the inside of your elbow (medial epicondyle). Unlike tennis elbow, which affects the outside of the elbow, the golfer's elbow targets the inner side.
  • Stiffness in the elbow, especially in the morning: Many people with Golfer's Elbow experience a stiff elbow joint when they wake up, making it difficult to extend their arm fully and affecting their range of motion.
  • Weakness in the hands and wrists: You might notice a decrease in strength, making it harder to perform everyday tasks that involve gripping or lifting objects, contributing to chronic pain in the affected area.
  • Pain that worsens with specific movements, such as gripping or lifting: Activities that require flexing the wrist or gripping objects tightly can exacerbate the pain, making these movements particularly uncomfortable and limiting your range of motion.
  • Numbness or tingling that may radiate down the forearm: Some individuals experience a sensation of numbness or tingling that extends from the elbow down to the fingers, indicating nerve involvement and affecting soft tissue.
  • Difficulty making a fist or gripping objects: The pain and weakness can make it challenging to clench your hand into a fist or hold onto items securely, affecting daily activities and overall functionality.
  • Swelling around the inner part of the elbow: Inflammation can cause noticeable swelling in the affected area, contributing to discomfort and reduced mobility, similar to that experienced in tennis elbow.
  • Pain that increases with wrist flexion or forearm pronation: Movements that involve bending the wrist forward or rotating the forearm inward can intensify the pain, highlighting the strain on the affected tendons and requiring targeted pain relief measures.
Photo by Alina Grubnyak / Unsplash

What Causes Golfer's Elbow? Key Risk Factors Explained

Golfer's elbow, or medial epicondylitis, is primarily caused by overuse and repetitive stress on the tendons that attach to the inner side of the elbow. These tendons can become damaged from activities that require repetitive wrist flexion or forearm pronation, leading to inflammation and pain. Common causes include sports like golf, tennis, and baseball and occupational tasks such as hammering, typing, or painting.

Key risk factors for developing golfer's elbow include repetitive activities that strain the forearm muscles and tendons. Athletes who frequently use improper techniques or equipment that does not fit well are particularly at risk. 

Additionally, individuals who suddenly increase the intensity or duration of their physical activities without proper conditioning may also experience this condition. Poor conditioning or lack of flexibility can further exacerbate the stress on the elbow tendons.

At Iler Method Massage Therapy in Westlake, TX, we regularly treat golfer's elbow and successfully alleviate its cause. Our individualized sports massage plans, based on thorough assessments and client feedback, ensure that each session effectively addresses the specific needs of our clients.

Final Thoughts on Golfer's Elbow Treatment at Iler Method® Therapy

Golfer's elbow can significantly disrupt daily activities and the enjoyment of hobbies.

If you're struggling with Golfer's Elbow, don't let it hold you back. Trust the expertise of Iler Method Therapy to help you regain mobility and enjoy life to the fullest. From everyday activities to playing with your grandchildren, children, or pets to perfecting your golf swing, our specialized treatments will get you back to doing the things you love, pain-free.

Disclaimer -

Please note that at Iler Method® Therapy, we specialize in massage therapy and related techniques. All clients must understand that we are not medical professionals, and our services should not be seen as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Our practices are designed to support and complement your overall health, but they do not replace professional medical consultation when needed.